
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mighty Wales

For the August bank holiday weekend Fi, Todd and I set off on a roady to the mighty Wales! Drove up north and stopped in Shrewsbury for lunch. A gorgeous old medieval walled city. Enjoyed a scrummy classic pub lunch, and then continued north to our first destination – Llandudno. Pronounced clun-dud-no! Crazy welsh. A Victorian seaside town, checked out the pier in the evening set up in true English style with little stalls and arcade games. Saturday was a miserable rainy day, took the cable car up the peninsula. A cute old railway, but not the best view! It was hot chocolate weather to warm up at the top. Drove down the coast to Colwyn - a walled castle town, still standing! Wandered the shamble streets in the drizzle. Sunday took us further across Wales to Holyhead across the isle of Anglesey. Very rural county, but beautiful and green. Down to channel for dinner near another ruined castle. Then headed inland across a beautiful mountain pass covered with purple heather made it two our second town in Llangollen. A sweet river side town, found a lovely old mill for a delicious Sunday roast for dinner. Monday we checked out the village found some canal boats pulled by horses, and an impressive viaduct further up the valley for the canal boats. Further still was another impressive viaduct – this one for the train! Then it was back home, and sending Fi home to NZ after her adventuring. 

King of the Castle


Tram times!

Clouds over the channel

Todd and I at Holyhead

Colwyn Castle

Fi and I at the Castle

Bubbling brook 

Choo Choo!

Long way down!

over we go!

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