
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fe Fi Fo Fun

In the last weekend of July had an awesome night in Cheltenham tasting the local brew. The local beer and cider festival is held in a very old barn in the country. Enjoyed some very tasty, if not rather strong cider!
Last weekend Fi was here, squeezed in a weekend of London tourism. Went to the Globe Theatre to see Anne Boleyn on Saturday. A more modern production, brilliantly done, amazing acting and set. Bit tiring after standing in the pit for 2 ½ hrs, but well worth it!

Showed Fi some of the London sights and then enjoyed the local Windsor Castle. Gorgeous grounds and ornate inner state rooms. With a very impressive Knights of the Garter Hall. Went to the evensong service, and the organ and singing of the choir was beautiful! Amazing church inside too, with some rather famous people under the floor boards. Wednesday night continued our cultural education and saw ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. Amazing production – singing and stage were incredible!

So next weekend it’s off to Wales for a road trip with Fi and Todd, before Fi’s off home. And then Todd and I are off south ourselves – home sweet home, here I come! x 

Stage of Globe

From the cheep seats/stands

Fi and I 

Inner Castle

Castle tower and Gardens

Fi and I

hehe look we found the Queen!

Outside St George's Chapel

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