
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Home Sweet Home

After our Welsh trip had a brief respite before repacking and Todd and I headed down under at the beginning of Sept. Had a chilled birthday the day before we left, and got utterly spoilt with a new toy for our travels! Was well knackered by the time we got onto our flight after a day of work. But it was smooth sailing via Singapore – awesome airport: koi pond, butterfly garden, and a much needed hot shower – then into Brisbane. Chilled out there for a few days, getting over jet lag, cruising the city, enjoying the sunshine, and a dip in the pool. Then caught the train to Gold Coast to meet up with all Todd’s family for the wedding. Lovely to meet all the family, very chilled ceremony on the canal side, then back to uncles for a reception feast and some awesome tunes. After a fun family filled weekend, jumped the ditch to Wellington. Coming in was like you never left! Great to catch up and see all my family again. Spent the week catching up with friends, ice cream on the waterfront, hail storms, and chilling out with the fam. Just your typical Wellington! Then it was off again back home to London! A whirlwind trip, but well worth it to see all the new faces, and catch up with the old ones. 


Hotel view in Goldy - amazing golf resort!

Todd's mum, me and Todd at the Wedding

Hail in Wellies, as you do
Cafe ice.. need i say more :)

Massive fish in Singapore

Gorgeous butterfly's

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