
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Exploring London

Well it's been two weeks now which is hard to believe, it's all gone so fast! Have spent the last week doing a bit more sightseeing around in between trying to sort out things for work. Last week went up to Marble Arch with Joel, which is at the top of Oxford street and then walked down to the British Museum - which was a much longer walk than we thought! The British museum had an amazing entrance way, with a big central column and then glass roof - hard to describe but very dramatic. They had some really good exhibits on Egypt and Rome, some very old sculptures and artifacts. Got too tired to see it all but what we did see was really interesting. On the weekend I caught up with Kylie Montgomery who is living in London now, which was really nice. Gave me a few tips on job hunting and living here - it took her two months to get a job! So hoping it wont be that long for me!
Very early on Sunday morning Joel and I got up to go to the dawn service, it started at 5.00am so I was up at 3.30 to get there on time! They held it at Hyde Park Corner which is where the NZ memorial is. Was a really good service, they had a British solider doing the last song which was really good. Got to sign the remembrance book which was nice (was a big cue to wait in though!)
Then on Tuesday went to Harrods, wow it is such an incredible place! When I walked in the door into the make up section, a lady asked if I wanted my make up done, I was like sure! Why not! So got some lovely flash products on and was looking more the part for being in such a flash store! haha.  The bottom floor was my favourite - it had all the food! Chocolatire, pastry's, cupcakes - bought a Oreo one - yum! and just anything that you can think of. There was a whole floor full of women's designer fashion - I didn't want to touch anything it was all so beautiful. They even had evening gowns! On the toy floor they have a pet shop, with cute wee puppies and kittens, the store owner had one out on the counter - gorgeous!
So after woundering round Harrods for a few hours I took my wee cupcake to Kennsington Park and ate it in the beautiful sunshine, then went up and saw the palace which was quite cute, lovely location in front of the lake, found some cool bird life by the river and the Peter Pan statue.
And then it was Wednesday..

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