
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Back to work..

Had my first full week at work this week (well four days, one was a public holiday). Is going pretty well, not really busy at the moment which is nice, but the girl I am seeing is quite challenging so it's keeping me on my toes! And looks like I might get an extension on the two weeks as she's not going to be ready to go home this week so the boss asked if I would be happy to stay on a bit longer - yes please, money is all good!
Has been a pretty quiet week, quite tiring getting back into the swing of work! Who would have thought after about a month off, haha. Went to the Portobello Market in Notting Hill on Saturday, it is massive! Really cool, they have a whole street shut off, and stalls full of everything from clothes, antiques, jewelery and yummy food. Awesome stuff and some of it is quite cheep, was very tempting not to spend all my money!
Last night got to go on a boat down the Thames, a friend Claire had some spare tickets going last minute. It was a dance/DJ party on board this boat and we just cruised around. It was great fun, really cool to see the city from a different view, and quite interesting trying to dance on a moving dance floor with the waves!
I am moving houses this week, the girls I'm staying with lease is up, so have managed to set up a place to stay through Mum and Dad's neighbour who has a house here which she co-owns with a friend. Has worked out really well, the lady is a journalist so away quite a bit and happy to have me stay. So got another months le-way before I have to find a place and start paying rent which is great! Looking forward to having a room to myself, ratio of 3bedrooms to 2 people is much better than 3people to one room!


  1. Great to talk on Skype. Pleased that the flat with Stepahanie has worked out. Google map of address-it is so close to city. Saw Beryl and Keith Wood tonight and showed them the google sattelite view of the Pam's house- they were really interested. The rest of the block was bombed during the war. Hence the park behind.

  2. Hi Anna,
    Mum(Nan) and I have just enjoyed looked through your blog photos and text. it's great. You're certainly getting out and about! Good to see that spring has come too. Your job sounds good, I'm impressed that something has come up so quickly, we'd heard that things are very tight in England and weren't sure how long it would take you. Well done.
    I'll pass the computer to Dad/Papa to enjoy.
    Have fun moving to the bigger space.

    Lots of love and hugs,
