
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Punting times in Cambridge

Summer's coming!

Sorry has been a while since my last post, have had some computer issues, but all sorted now. Got my job extended so have been working for the last month or so now, and have one more week before I'm due to finish up there. Has been really good, great to get my foot in the door and earn some money. And have some possibilities of jobs to follow after which is promising.
Two weekends ago did a day trip to Cambridge on Saturday with a group of us. Kate's friend is an ex-local so we had a free tour guide! Went self punting on the river which was great fun, although my steering skills were rubbish! And we didn't get very far while I was punting! One of the girls made a whole tray of cupcakes so we ate them while cruising down the river with some PIMS (which is a summer drink here) - very classy! Then had a wander through the town which is lovely, all old building which overhang the cobbled roads. And had a picnic in the park and relaxed. Was a really lovely day. 
Last weekend did some more exploring in London, on Friday night when out for drinks in Soho which was good fun, and saw some of china town - it's like your in a completely different place! Saturday was so hot, up to 27deg! So spent the day at the park with some friends of Claire's enjoying the sunshine and then headed out to Upper street in Islington. Was a good night. Checked out the Camden markets on Sunday, was another really hot day, so didn't really get into some serious shopping, but the market went on forever! Bit alternative but some cool stuff. Will have to go back sometime and have a proper look.
This week is another long weekend with a bank holiday, might check out Greenwich down the river, but it's meant to rain, so well see!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Back to work..

Had my first full week at work this week (well four days, one was a public holiday). Is going pretty well, not really busy at the moment which is nice, but the girl I am seeing is quite challenging so it's keeping me on my toes! And looks like I might get an extension on the two weeks as she's not going to be ready to go home this week so the boss asked if I would be happy to stay on a bit longer - yes please, money is all good!
Has been a pretty quiet week, quite tiring getting back into the swing of work! Who would have thought after about a month off, haha. Went to the Portobello Market in Notting Hill on Saturday, it is massive! Really cool, they have a whole street shut off, and stalls full of everything from clothes, antiques, jewelery and yummy food. Awesome stuff and some of it is quite cheep, was very tempting not to spend all my money!
Last night got to go on a boat down the Thames, a friend Claire had some spare tickets going last minute. It was a dance/DJ party on board this boat and we just cruised around. It was great fun, really cool to see the city from a different view, and quite interesting trying to dance on a moving dance floor with the waves!
I am moving houses this week, the girls I'm staying with lease is up, so have managed to set up a place to stay through Mum and Dad's neighbour who has a house here which she co-owns with a friend. Has worked out really well, the lady is a journalist so away quite a bit and happy to have me stay. So got another months le-way before I have to find a place and start paying rent which is great! Looking forward to having a room to myself, ratio of 3bedrooms to 2 people is much better than 3people to one room!

Notting Hill and London from the Thames

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I got a Job!

So while I was trying to write the previous blog entry I got a call from one of my agents asking if I wanted this two week locum job here in London starting the next day! Well of course I said yes please! So I have had two days work, at a hospital in north London - North Middlesex hospital. I'm working on the paeds ward and they hired me to just see this one patient that they want more intensive physio with and then just helping out on the neuro wards as needed. So hasn't actually been too busy which is nice, and very nice to be earning some pounds! But takes an hour to get there in the morning on the tube and then bus. But definitely a good place to start, as work is still quite thin on the ground because of the election and things, but they expect it to pick up again. So it's a bit of a waiting game. Planning to join up with a couple more agency's too to get as much spread as I can. Have a long weekend this weekend - Monday is May bank holiday, so that's quite nice two days of work and three days off! Can't complain :)

p.s if you make comments (and please do!) can you put your name at the end, cause it doesn't come up, just so I know who's talking to me! cheers :)

Parks, Palaces and cupcakes..

Exploring London

Well it's been two weeks now which is hard to believe, it's all gone so fast! Have spent the last week doing a bit more sightseeing around in between trying to sort out things for work. Last week went up to Marble Arch with Joel, which is at the top of Oxford street and then walked down to the British Museum - which was a much longer walk than we thought! The British museum had an amazing entrance way, with a big central column and then glass roof - hard to describe but very dramatic. They had some really good exhibits on Egypt and Rome, some very old sculptures and artifacts. Got too tired to see it all but what we did see was really interesting. On the weekend I caught up with Kylie Montgomery who is living in London now, which was really nice. Gave me a few tips on job hunting and living here - it took her two months to get a job! So hoping it wont be that long for me!
Very early on Sunday morning Joel and I got up to go to the dawn service, it started at 5.00am so I was up at 3.30 to get there on time! They held it at Hyde Park Corner which is where the NZ memorial is. Was a really good service, they had a British solider doing the last song which was really good. Got to sign the remembrance book which was nice (was a big cue to wait in though!)
Then on Tuesday went to Harrods, wow it is such an incredible place! When I walked in the door into the make up section, a lady asked if I wanted my make up done, I was like sure! Why not! So got some lovely flash products on and was looking more the part for being in such a flash store! haha.  The bottom floor was my favourite - it had all the food! Chocolatire, pastry's, cupcakes - bought a Oreo one - yum! and just anything that you can think of. There was a whole floor full of women's designer fashion - I didn't want to touch anything it was all so beautiful. They even had evening gowns! On the toy floor they have a pet shop, with cute wee puppies and kittens, the store owner had one out on the counter - gorgeous!
So after woundering round Harrods for a few hours I took my wee cupcake to Kennsington Park and ate it in the beautiful sunshine, then went up and saw the palace which was quite cute, lovely location in front of the lake, found some cool bird life by the river and the Peter Pan statue.
And then it was Wednesday..