
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Friday, April 27, 2012



Arrived into Budapest Monday morning to a beautiful sunny day. Got the rather knackered team to the hostel, the comfort of 6 to a cabin had not agreed with all members of our party! haha. Then went for breakfast, priority number one! The local cafe downstairs made the most amazing Hungarian scrambled eggs, a variation with tomato, bacon, onion and cheese, just what the doctor ordered After everyone was clean and feed when headed out to explore the city. We wandered down the Pest side of the Danube river, and down to their incredible parliament buildings. Very ornate white stone with spires and domes, it looked more like a palace than a parliament. We crossed the river and caught the cute funicular up the hill to castle hill. A lovely little walled town which contains the national gallery, the m cathedral and a very ornate walled section. Admired the view across the city with a relaxing wine. Wandered down the hill and across the bridge to St Stephan's Cathedral, a beautiful ornate church, covered with fresco's and alters in marble. We stopped at a local restaurant near hostel and I had some very yummy goulash - which turns out is a Hungarian dish.

The next day we had a relaxed start and headed towards the baths. We went to Szechenyi baths, which are within the city park, and have the largest outdoor area. Had a relaxing soak for a few hours in their beautiful old courtyard. The pools also have smaller baths of varying temperatures and sauna. Took a little bit to get the hang of the changing rooms which had two doors but no locks! turns out there is a fold of wood you turn over when the door are closed which blocks them opening - very clever actually. After our soak we were thirsty and starving, so found some Thai for dinner, before Jules had to head off and catch his plane back to London.

Wednesday morning we went in search of the oldest bakery on the castle hill. Found this tiny little place, that didn't look like much and didn't even sell real coffee! But tried some strudel which was amazing. (Ange later informed me that it was not actually the bakery we were looking for we they went back the day after I left!). Then went in search of coffee in one of the other old coffee houses - Gerbeaud. A rather flashy place, with amazing looking desserts. Ange and I shared a Hungarian sponge dessert, which was humongous, and enjoyed some morning sunshine in the square. Afterwards we walked down to the market hall, a massive old steel structure filled with fresh food, and touristy nick nacks. Sampled a cream cheese and meat cream roll. The cheese was a little bit intense! While Ange and Paul enjoyed a duck leg. Bit of a regressive day for food! Then headed across another bridge and up the rather steep hill to the Citadel with the lady of Liberty atop, it had gorgeous views across the city and beyond. Then headed down to town for some more Hungarian for dinner. On our way home walked along the river front, which looked beautiful with all the bridges and landmarks lit up.

Thursday was my last day in Budapest, we walked across to Margaret island, which is a big green space, filled with runners, children and people who just didn't seam to go to work! Then headed to catch my train onto the next destination - Vienna, before getting and overnight train down to Venice.
Really enjoyed Budapest, a much larger city, but some amazing food, and lovely culture.

yummy eggs

overlooking parliament


view from the top

the team on the go

St Stephans

Szechenyi Baths

Dessert for breakfast anyone?

cookies at the market

Overlooking Budapest from liberty hill

Buda at night

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