
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Uk Pics

Mr Lion

Raaa! they were all around the City of Bath

Me and Jane

'I wish to be acquainted'

'follow me'

Breathe in!

Just fitted thro the door!

Roman Baths

Stratford - Upon - Avon at 7.00am

Shakespares's House

Window view (artistic aye!)

Outside cute pub - it stopped raining!

Stratford at dusk - pretty

Welsh Dragon - Baaa!

Cardiff Castle


Edinburgh Castle

Crabbies are yum

Cocktails also yummy

Windermere Lake

Beatrix Potter House

Walk in the country

Hill Top (Beatrix Potter's House)

Autumn leaves!

At top of waterfall - bit wet

house on a bridge! Ambleside

Very cute bridge, Lakes

Edale Valley

Made it to the top of the Hill!

York Minster

York City Wall

York bridge

Cutest shop in York Shambles

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