
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Anna and Jens Fabulous Uk Adventure

Well Jen made it back to the UK in one piece with many a story to tell! haha. I gave her one nights rest and enough time to repack and then we hit the road. Our first stop was Bath, which is a gorgeous town. I feel in love with it. Spent the afternoon wandering around the town, and went to the Jane Austin museum which was really good. They had a really interesting guide who gave a good run down on her life and stay in Bath. The next day we joined a free walking tour round the city ( I think we pulled the average age down a bit!), and then went and saw the roman baths which were amazing! Incredible to think how long ago they were established. Wednesday took us to Bristol in miserable weather, so we had a fairly quiet day. Wandered the city, saw the beautiful cathedral, then saw 'Winters Bone' at a cute independent theatre in the evening (recommended if you haven't seen it). Jen introduced me to Dr Pepper which she is now addicted to from America - have to say I'm not the biggest fan! On Thursday we jumped the border into Wales and went to Cardiff. Very cool city. Did the castle which was awesome. The interior of the buildings was incredible woodwork. The Rider Cup was on while we were there (some big golf tournament) so they were setting up to have a big reception there with Prince Charles - who we missed seeing (such a shame). The city has gorgeous little shopping arcades with cute boutique shops - dangerous! (Promise we didn't spend too much Dad ) Went out for drinks that night and found a cool wee cocktail bar, and some locals, apparently hardly anyone can speak Welsh which is a crazy looking language! It poured with rain all night, so we didn't move very far!
Friday we headed back into England and up to Stratford-upon -Avon, unfortunately the weather didn't improve. So we got soaked getting from the train station to our B&B, but was nice when we finally arrived and snuggled up for a hot drink and dried out before braving the weather again. Didn't help much that Jen had no waterproof shoes! haha. Went to Shakespeare's house - very good exhibition, amazing that the original house is still standing! The town is beautiful with lots of old wooden buildings, little lanes and big old tress full of autumn colours. We then hit a cute pub to dry out and warm up.
Saturday was an early start to get the train all the way up to Edinburgh. Spent the afternoon there checking out the main town, walked down to Holyrood Palace, had a nosy in Parliament and then scoured all the tourist shops for Maxwell souvenirs and proceeded to buy them out! haha. Headed out Saturday night for a classic pub dinner and tried some haggis - not so bad. Also found Crabbies (which is an alcoholic ginger beer) very yummy!
Sunday we went up to Edinburgh Castle in the drizzle and fog, very cool. It houses a number of exhibits and museums including the war museum, dragoons, crown jewels and the stone of destiny (a big rock pretty much!). The interior of the buildings were beautiful. It has one of the oldest churches dating back to the 1100s. Also checked out the national gallery and then jumped the train down to the lakes district.
The next day we were in Windermere, walked down to the lake front and saw the Beatrix Potter museum - very well set up of all her characters. Then took the ferry across the lake and walked up to the village to Hill Top. The house is persevered just as she left it when she went to get married and has amazing art work by all her family - they were all very artistic! Then we went up to Ambleside at the head of the lake for that night. The next day the weather was wet again, so we did a little walk up to a cute wee waterfall and then walked to the lakeside for some lunch, by then the weather had fined up, yay! So we walked up the valley to Wordsworth's house along a river path - very pretty. That night got the train down to the Peek district and had a bit of an adventure! Arrived at 9.30pm a bit later than would have liked as plans changed last minute, but then had to get to the YHA which ended up being a half an hour walk along a country road! haha. We made it, though our suitcase was none to impressed, and our arms definitely got a work out!
Wednesday we spent in Edale in the peek district which is pretty much in the country, we walked up the hill in the local area, and there were amazing views across the valley. Everything was so green! In the afternoon we headed to York. Arrived in the evening and the river looked beautiful ( we were later to discover it is not such a nice colour in daylight!). Thursday we wandered down through the city past the minster, and through the shambles which are little lanes of old houses which grow closer together as the storeys go up. Took a boat ride up the river, the weather had turned around and it was beautiful and sunny. Next day we went to Jorvik museum which was really cool, its all about the early vikings who founded the city. They have a ride which takes you though a recreated old town - very well done. In the afternoon wandered the city walls and chilled out in the park. Then went for an early tea before catching the train back to London.

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