
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer, sun and races

The beginning of June was gorgeous. Went to a party on a boat down the Thames. Was a stunner day, meet up with some friends before hand, and almost boiled on a roof top bar! Who would have thought in London?! Was a lovely night cruising down the river, nice to have a different perspective than from the street.

The following weekend got to catch up with Nan and Papa who were in town. Was lovely to see them after a year and a half. We checked out the Seville gardens in the great park, and headed out to Hampton Court Palace the following day in the pouring rain. Not a very good demonstration of the English summer! The Place was an amazing sprawling place, made famous by Henry the eighth. Full of flash suites of rooms for only one royal and masses of history. Said goodbye to Nan and Papa as they set of on the rest of their English road trip.

Had a fun build up to the Ascot races. Living in the Royal borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, as I was out for a ‘jog’ in the great park came across a train of horse drawn carriages with tails and hats driving past me! Haha needless to say I was not looking my best sweating along! It had been a wet week, but managed to start out fine on Saturday. We braved the weather and set up our picnic outside. Was a fun day of food, wine, friends, and a little punting. Managed to ‘virtual’ pick a few winners (much to Todd’s annoyance, that I didn’t actually put any money on them!). Was amusing see the brits tottering round in their giant satin heels, while trying to navigate the less muddy patches of grass. The Queen was in attendance and saw her as she entered in her carriage with Prince Philip – very cute! A great day out J

Looking forward to catching up with Phil and Fi in Spain at the end of the month, and then hanging out with Fi here in the UK in August, and then very shortly will be speeding down to NZ for a quick hello! Can’t wait! x

Hampton Palace Courtyard

One of the many great staircases

Snooze anyone? 

The man room -its decorated with wepons

Rainy gardens

Chapel windows

Ascot Racecourse

Lovely Ladies

Happy the sun is out!

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