
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Thursday, April 7, 2011

J'adore Paris

So after a quick breather from Rome Todd and I headed off to Paris the following weekend for a whirlwind stop. Got the early train from London and slept most of the way as had an unexpected adventure the night before! Arrived in central Paris and had a smooth journey to our hotel in the Champes Elyses area. Freashed up and the headed out to check out the city. Walked down through the shopping area towards the Galeries Lafayette – a massive shopping building, past some cute boutique shops and all the flash designers. Past the Opera palace a beautiful building, with all the famous composers and massive gold gilted statues. 

Further down was the Palace Royal and then the long building of the famous Lourve around a busy intersection. Large arch ways direct you through into the courtyard of the museum. The Musee du Lourve wraps around the entire courtyard with the central pyramid. As you look down through the gardens everything is symmetrical through the Arc de triomphe du Carrousell (the smaller arch) the oblisk and the Arc du triomphe at the far end. Amazing. You can also see out to the Eiffel tower in the distance. We relaxed in the beautiful gardens and enjoyed some lovely French sunshine. Then headed in search of the island. The river Seine is lined with little market stalls filled with old books, paintings and antiques. We found the Notre Dame in the gorgeous Ile de la Cite after some delicious ice cream! As we walked back up the other side the clouds darkened and before we knew it there was torrential rain! So we ran for cover in a cafe in the St Germain district and enjoyed some yummy red wine. The district is full of cute little streets, cafes, and art galleries galore! After the rain eased we went on a mission to find the Arc de Trimphe. The gardens leading up the Champs Elysée were beautiful, filled with statues and spring greenery. The Champs Elysée itself has been transformed into a busy shopping district with swanky restaurants. Made to the top now in the dark, but looking very magnificent and with very tired legs and hungrey tummies! Headed north to Montmartre for dinner and stumbled across the Moulin Rouge. Found a cute bistro, and had an amazing meal. Beautifully cooked duck with french fries - mmmm. Knacked headed home to rest the legs before day two!

Next day started off with the most important – breakfast. Had a massive French style brekki – coffee, crossants, bread, crepes – delicious! And so filling! Then went to see the big ticket item – Eiffel tower. From the top of the Trocadero, the museum looks over the great tower and down the gardens. Very impressive. Had a break in the gardens and refreashed with some ice cream. Mmmmm. Then wandered back along the river, and city, a quick stop for some French fries and then it was back to the train. 

Was a great weekend, such a beautiful city, very grand and pretty. Will have to return to explore all the lanes a bit more and for some shopping! Till next time Au Revoir Paris!


  1. Love it, as usual it sounds great :) Loving being able to catch up on it all on here. Great photos too - your hair is so long again now!! Miss you xx Ni

  2. Hi Anna, it's a wonder you aren't the size of a barrel with all the foodie delights you seem to be discovering in Europe!! What a fab time you are having and your hair is so long now:-) How is your new place in Windsor turning out? A friend of mine lived just across the road from the primary school for four years - she still misses it and she's been back for 3 years now. Thanks for the updates and the photos it's really neat to be able to see parts of the EU we haven't yet been to! Take Care Lots of Love Wendy

  3. Hey Wends,
    haha yes i know, I should be the size of a barrel! one day.. Windsor is going well, very cute wee town and nice to be able to walk to work. But also London's only an hour away. Glad your enjoying the pics :) xx Anna
