
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Monday, September 6, 2010

London with Jen

Have just had an awsome week hanging out with Jen in London. Was great to have her here and catch up again. Have had a jam packed week full of fun. On Monday after J had a good jet lag nap, we went down to Notting Hill where they were having their carnival. It was crazy! So busy with people, there was a parade through the town (kinda like the cuba st carnival but 10x bigger!). On tuesday I took Jen to all the touristy spots, changing of the guards, Big Ben, Westminster, London bridge etc.. and we just had a wander along the river. Wednesday we went on the London Eye - which is like a massive feris wheel where you are in a big pod and just slowly move up higher, has amazing views over the city, and we had a lovely clear day (well clear for London!). Then did some shopping, Harrods, had a classic pub meal and went to see Wicked the west end show - which was amazing! its a spin off of the wizard of oz and tells the story of Galinda and the wicked witch. The sets where amazing, with people flying across the stage! haha, oh and the costumes! (bec you would have loved them!) they were incredible. Was great fun. Thrusday we went down to Brighton for the day, which is a cute wee seaside town, had lots of cool botique stores and just chilled out by the sea. We hit the zoo in the afternoon on Friday which was fun. They have an awsome open monkey enclosure where you can walk through and the monkeys are just running about everywhere and get really close. They were so cute! Then went out to brick lane which is known for its curry houses, and has great deals. (unfortunatly dont think ours was of the best quality as had some sore tummys the next day! )
Saturday we caught the boat down to Greenwhich for a picnic down there for my bday which was really nice and low key, has some great views from the hill where the observatory sits. Got spoilt with prezzies which was lovely - thanks guys! was awsome to be sent a care package with squiggle tops! they are the best! (thanks mum :) ) Dropped J off very bright and early sun morn for her contiki and have been a slob since! haha. Currently unemployed after my last contract finished so looking for a bit of work for sept. Heading off to Milan for this coming weekend, first trip to Europe! Yay so excited! Then will be off for a UK tour with Jen when she is back at the end of Sept for two weeks. Great birthday month :D

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