
Hi everyone, welcome to my blog of travel adventures. I started this blog just to keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to, so enjoy! :)
Anna x

Friday, June 8, 2012


My last train journey took me across France and into Germany to the city of Frankfurt, where my lovely man meet me with my excess luggage! We had a really nice few days just relaxing and enjoying the city. Not a big tourist destination it wasn't over run with people, but had a cute little old town centre. We enjoyed the local cusine of snitchel, and apfelwine (like cider) - delicious! Wandered the old town with its gorgeous old buildings, stumbled across a beach volleyball tournament in the city centre on the Saturday and enjoyed some impromptu volleyball. The following day was pouring with rain, and we only made it as far as a coffee house for breakfast and coffee! Was a lovely chilled out city with a great vibe and a really nice way to end my two months of amazing but chaotic travels. It has been an incredible experience, through seven countries, nine cities and a host of amazing friends and family. Thanks to all of those who meet me along the way, and shared some fabulous times and memories. Hopefully we can do it again soon!

But for now it is goodbye to Europe and London and hello to the land of the long white cloud! I'm coming home :)
Old town houses
Old little church
Frankfurt Cathedral
Volleyball time!
My travel warn chucks, served me well
Home sweet home here I come!